TSI Guards training and SOP’s

We provide a comprehensive training program and have SOP for all occurrences.

Guard training

  • Initial recruitment and testing. All recruits must pass a reading, writing and comprehension test.

  • 3 day recruit training course: Radio procedures, self defence, report writing, patrol procedures

  • Once this is completed they are then placed on a 3 month probation. They are sent to a site where they undergo site SOP training

  • - SOP’S each site has an SOP written for  the specific requirements of the customer.  These will included and security review, procedures for entry and exit of people and vehicles, risks and actions on and the guards responsibilities and roll.


TSI training program


At TSI, all our training is mapped along Australian Security Operations (Austrlia/NSW/QLD) Standards which covers;

  • Certificate I,II,III Security Operations (Australia/NSW/QLD)

  • Certificate IV Security Trainer (Australia/NSW/QLD)

  • Cert I,II Medical

  • Level I,II Fire Response Training

  • Level I,II Emergency Response (Public Disorder Management)

  • Level I Crisis Response Team Training

  • Level I Welfare Training

  • Level I Supervisors & Team Leaders Training

  • Level I Security Risk Management Training (Managers)

All TSI Use of Force (Firearms) Training is bench marked to Israeli Police and Military Standards of which all instructors were trained and certified by Max International Security Academy.

  • Emergency response procedures: what to do for an accident, armed hold up etc

  • Natural disasters

  • Fire

  • Power cuts

  • Medical emergency, first aid training

  • Baton training, use of the baton as an offensive and defensive weapon.

  • PNG Law. What can and can’t they do.

  • Customer services: interacting with customers

  • Record keeping and report writing.


When it comes to firearms we take the training and use of them very seriously. Only a very small number of our staff will make it through our selection process to become and armed officer. Our armed staff are not a “guy with a gun” standing at a site. All our armed staff are trained as close protection and CIT officers. From there they rotate through the 3 different armed units.

  1. CPP.

  2. CIT.

  3. Site Armed Guards

We do this to maintain a very high level of standards with all armed staff. They also have the skills to respond to any threat and the knowledge of what is expected when backup arrives on site. All armed staff must meet the same standards to ensure client safety and protection. 



TSI Firearms Training and SOP’s

  1. Selection interview

  2. Firearm's basic training course - 2 days

  3. CP training course run over - 5 days

  4. CP driver training course - 2 days

  5. Deployed to armed division.

On going training

  1. Weekly tactical and dry fire training

  2. 4- 6 weeks range time

  3. 3 months re-certification safety and procedures

SOP’s: Each unit has there own SOP for there specific job. We also have an overall SOP covering safe handling, storage, transport, maintenance of fire arms and use of force policy.